RISE (Resident Integrated Support Environment) addresses the mental health, financial, and physical health needs of all Hennepin Healthcare trainees by offering integrated support to promote well-being during residency and fellowship training.
Since 2018, HHS has been integrating services to improve the well-being of residents. In 2019, we piloted RISE to move beyond basic needs to add onsite, accessible, dedicated mental health support, fatigue mitigation services, primary care, and financial well-being support. The uptake of these resources by trainees directed us towards a recent initiative –opt-out mental health visits scheduled for all internal medicine, psychiatry, and emergency medicine residents. Nearly 80% of program residents have participated in this resource and report it as a valuable addition to their overall well-being. We track resident burnout rates monthly via the MiniZ Burnout tool, allowing us to identify increased distress and create targeted preventive interventions.
Expanding RISE Resources Through Philanthropy
Piloting RISE resources has allowed us to understand the need for on-demand and fully integrated resources for trainees that extend beyond traditional medical education programming. Growth around sleep and enhancements in the financial and nutritional health support for residents will allow us to expand the initial pilot, making resources more accessible for trainees.
Our initial campaign realized more than $300,000 in philanthropic support and helped the RISE pilot program to absorb start-up costs and launch with great success. Now, we are working to create a sustaining network of annual support.