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Cultivating holistic wellness and resiliency for resident and fellow trainees through personalized, confidential support and advocacy.

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About Us

About RISE

The Resident Integrated Support Environment (RISE) offers onsite, timely, confidential, context-affirming and adaptable physical, mental and financial care to all residents and fellows employed by Hennepin Healthcare. The support and wraparound services help build on existing strengths and fosters collective resilience while in training.

Who We Are

Our Team

Goelz, Elizabeth#035_edited.jpg
Elizabeth Goelz, MD

Primary Care

Bodnar, John#053_edited.jpg
John Bodnar, DO


Hyun-Soo, Lee#113_edited.jpg
Hyun-Soo Lee, PhD, LP


Sabelko, Jennifer#029_edited.jpg
Jen Sabelko, OTR/L

Program Manager

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Katie Thorsness, MD


Becker, Mary#189_edited.jpg
Mary Becker, PhD, LP


Velasco, Allisa#114_edited.jpg
Allisa Velasco, RN


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Barbara Johnson, MD


Santana, Mercedes#146_edited.jpg
Mercedes Santana, PhD, LP


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David Seidelmann, CFP

Financial Wellbeing

Contact Us

Physical and Mental Health: via TeleMedIQ at: RISE – Primary Care and RISE – Psychiatry

Parenting: Redleaf Center for Family Healing – 612-873-6262

Financial Wellbeing: Schedule a consult at

Fatigue Management: via TelemedIQ at RISE – Primary Care


How RISE Provides Care

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Physical Health

Outpatient primary care, chronic disease management, preventative and acute care

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Mental Health

Outpatient therapy and psychiatric medication support

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Fatigue Management

Access to sleep medicine expertise and shift-work support

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Services for the support parents and families deserve

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Attention to the importance of nourishment in training

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Financial Wellbeing

Access to free financial planning services and disability insurance with no underwriting

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General Wellness

Proactive services to support the wellbeing of trainees

“RISE dissolved barriers and made it easy to get to appointments. It was confidential, and I felt at ease talking to the provider. They made me feel like I wasn't alone, and that there are many other residents experiencing exactly what I was going through.
The culture of medicine, unfortunately, causes us to hide our "burn out" and put a smile on and go on with our day. I was close to quitting residency that day. I was relieved to find out what I was feeling wasn't uncommon, it is just never talked about.”

— Resident

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Our Wellness Action Plan can help gauge your wellness and identify strategies to support you.

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